Happy Monday!
Who else had a crazy week last week? I did, that’s for sure! Check out the posts that helped me make it through :-)
Cat, at Budget Blonde wrote Five Things I Learned From Getting My First Car. My favorite: Don’t Trade it in it if was free!
Making Sense of Cents posted an Ask the Reader post – What percentage is housing in your budget? Go an check out what everyone spends on housing – you know you want to :-)
Jacob over at Cash Cow Couple posted Why Do People Invest in Stocks or Anything Else? As usual, he boils it down!
The Simple Dollar always has about a billion posts I could include in my favorites, but I narrowed it down to one this week: Crazy. Best takeaway – When life gets crazy, accept imperfection!
Mr. 1500 is fantastic as usual in SpongeSister SpendyPants – Anyone have a sibling like this?
Check ’em out! You won’t regret it!
Thank you much RB40! Really appreciate the link.
Thank you so much for the link!