Baby RB40 is scheduled to be here in just over 4 weeks! In light of this, I thought I would take a look at our budget now, and what I may look like after she arrives.
Obviously if you are reading this, you have probably done a budget for yourself (and maybe even others) at some point in your life. With that said, have you ever done a budget anticipating a major life change?
I hope so!
I hope so for two reasons. First, because major life changes are good! Not all may seem good on the surface, but I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Second, I hope that you have done a budget for a major life change because that means you are thinking ahead!
Right now, our budget looks like this: (if you click the image, it will get bigger so you can see our craziness :-)
Our expenses are a little crazy already, and in less than 6 weeks, we are having a BABY! The Big Guy and I are having a little girl, who will forever be known as Baby RB40 ;-) See how that works?
Everyone knows that kids are expensive, even if you try to err towards frugality, so I sat down and looked at our budget to (try) to determine how the little on will affect our budget after her arrival.
Diapers – Confession time: I love couponing! That may make me a little bit crazy, but I make no apology for it :-) I am an accountant, so I love numbers, and couponing is like a game to me! The money savings is just an added bonus!
For months, I have been couponing for diapers and wipes. I know, I know, I could cloth diaper and save a ton of money, but I hate it, so I coupon for disposables! As of right now (4 weeks until my due date) I have set up quite the stockpile of diapers! Below, you can see the breakdown of what I have bought, what I think I will need, what I paid, and what buying then at Walmart would have cost me :-) See, I love numbers! (click to make it larger)
The “My Cost” column is based on the price I have paid for the diapers I have accumulated so far. For example, I have accumulated 244 of the 560 size 2 diapers that I will need, and so far I have paid $0.13 per diaper. So, the “My Cost” Columns would say $0.13 x 560 = $72.80. Make sense?
Basically what I am saying is that before the baby is born I am anticipating (and have spent part of) $405.20 in diaper costs, but I don’t anticipate buying tons of diapers after she is born. I am sure that she will grow slower or faster than my assumptions, and if we have to buy a few packs of diapers at *gasp* full price (!) it will be OK!
Medical Costs – Not to get too deep here, but I have great insurance (Tricare), which covers all of my prenatal costs, with the exception of $3 per prenatal vitamin prescription. So, to date, I have paid $21.00 in medical costs. After baby, we have a out-of-pocket cap for the year of $1,000 for me, and $1,000 for the baby. Basically, medical costs for birth, doctors appointments and the like through the rest of the fiscal year with cost us a maximum of $2,000.
Daycare – As of now (and it might change), The Big Guy is working second shift, which means that we only need a babysitter for 2 hours a day. This could be a challenge or it could really simplify our lives – just not sure which one yet :-) We are planning on having grandpa come over for 2 hours each day and watch her, which would be free – YAY! If, in our worst-case-scenario, we have to pay someone to watch her, we are looking at $320-$400 per month in daycare costs.
Other/Miscellaneous – Ummmm, I haven’t had a baby before, but I am sure that they are many little things that we will either want or need to buy. I truly am not sure what these things are, and I don’t even know how much to allocate for this portion of our budget. Anyone had a baby recently, or remember what it was like? What extras did you buy? How much did you spend?
So, here is what I am anticipating for our after-baby budget:
Once again, click to enlarge :-)
If you notice, our car payment amount went down, as did our car insurance, and I am not going to give an explanation for that right now because I don’t want to jinx it. More on that to come, I promise.
Also, we are going to put $700 a month towards anything we owe the hospital until it is paid off. Once that is done, it will be a huge weight off, and our budget will become much freer. If we end up having to pay someone to take care of Baby RB40 for 2 hours each day, then the amount we can put towards the medical bills will be reduced, but we will still be taking quite a chunk out of them each month.
Finally, you can see that we have $193.67 left over each month that can be used for miscellaneous baby things :-)
What do you think? Have I forgotten anything? I would love to hear from people who have been there and know what I might be missing :-)
From what I hear you shouldn’t be shocked if your utilities jump a bit. Extra loads of laundry from all the burp cloths and outfits that get pooped on. =)
Ooooh! That’s a good one I hadn’t thought of! Thanks!
That is great that you only have to cover daycare expenses for a few hours per day. That should save you big. We just had our third child 11 days ago and my wife is probably going to stay home or go part time now. We could still probably make a little money, but the hassle and extra child care expenses make it less worth while, especially when she can stay home with the little ones and enjoy that benefit. You are looking good. Best wishes for a healthy child. Looking forward to reading posts after the baby arrives.
Thanks! We are absolutely counting are blessings for only having to find help a couple hours each day. Once you factor the cost of full-time daycare into a budget, many times it is not worth having one parent work!
Congratulations on the new little one, too!
you shouls also factor in extra food and drink, if you feeding her yourself, you will need additional food and drink, otherwise the baby needs formula
lots of luck and joy
Ooohh, good point! I had forgotten that since I’m breastfeeding, I will need to not only eat more, I will also need to make sure that I am eating really nutritious foods :-) Thanks!
You might want to give cloth a try. Sure it is a little more effort, but so are a number of things that we do that either a) save us money or b) are just better for us. Cloth diapers are both!
I’ve been told that clothe diapers really aren’t that bad, and I can’t dispute the fact that they save tons of money. I just can’t get past how much I dislike them, from using them on my brothers. (The youngest one is 15 years younger than me :-)