What a great weekend, y’all! We redid Baby RB40’s closet for FREE! I had a huge to-do list for The Big Guy, and you know what? He got it ALL done! All of it!
Also, I had posts feature in all sorts of Carnivals:
Yakezie Carnival @ The Ultimate Juggle
Aspiring Blogger – Personal Finance Carnival #31 @ Aspiring Blogger
Weekend Recap: Carnival of Personal Finance Edition @ Gaming Your Finances
Lifestyle Carnival 93rd Edition @ Reach Financial Independence
Financial Carnival For Young Adults @ My Life, I Guess
The biggest project on the list was redoing Baby RB40’s closet. Garage sale season is almost upon us, and if I wanted to have a place to store all the clothes I was planning on finding at garage sales, the baby’s closet needed some help :-) And did I mention, we redid it for FREE – post coming soon on that!
We have also started using eMeals for meal planning. The service is great, and on a daily deal site it was only $29 for the entire year, so I decided that if we did not like it, then $29 was an acceptable amount of money to lose. Yesterday, we went to ALDI and bought 2 weeks of food – breakfasts, lunches and dinners for $82, so we’re off to a good start, I guess. Has anyone else ever used a service like this where your meals are planned for you and they give you a shopping list of everything you will need for the week’s meals? Did you like it? More importantly, did it save you any money?
Gotta run, have so much to do this week! Plus, heading to the store later to buy some 75% off chocolate!
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Looking forward to following your blog and growing both of ours together.. Check out http://www.mycareercrusader.com although only going live March 4..
Do you have any suggestions for career related blog carivals (suppose I should look myself right?)
Hi Jef,
Check out http://www.bloggercarnivals.com/. Great place to submit articles!
Thanks for the advice, would be great to collaborate and help each other out as well :)..
Do you guest post? Happy to have you on my site