This Thanksgiving is one of the first where I’m actually able to slow down, enjoy the holiday, and start creating memorable traditions.
As such, I want to take a minute to talk about a few of the things I’m thankful for, and learn what you all are thankful for as well!
My Husband
He’s the best full-time dad anyone could ask for. Not only does he wake up with me at 5am every morning to get me my coffee and breakfast before I get on the road to work, he keeps the house clean, prepares meals, and does manly stuff like take out the trash and fix leaky pipes.
My kiddo
She is the best surprise we’ve gotten yet, and every day she amazes both of us. She had her first time in the snow just this past week, and while it wasn’t her favorite, it was unbelievable cute to watch. But the unbelievable cuteness is an everyday thing now, and for that I’m thankful.
My job
I love my job for 2 reasons. 1) I love the people I work with, the work I do, and the fact that it is 7 miles from my house. 2) it allows The Big guy to stay home with the kiddo. No, it’s not always easy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Our house
No many people are able to buy a house for ⅓ of it’s market value – and still like the house! I am so grateful that we were given the opportunity to purchase such an awesome investment!
Living near an Aldi
I am the queen of deals, but if we didn’t live near an Aldi it would take me tons more time to get the best deals. Aldi makes shopping simple, affordable, and healthy, and I am super grateful that we live near one.
My in-laws
My family is not in the picture due to us eloping, but The Big Guy’s family is. And while we may not always see eye to eye I am grateful for their support, their willingness to drop everything and help us, and the fact that they will watch the kiddo about as often as wel want :-)
This Blog
This blog has opened so many doors for me. Whether it’s the supplemental income it’s providing, or the creative outlet this very non-creative accountant can utilize, this blog I is something I’m proud of, and I’m thankful for that.
You, My Readers
I am constantly amazed by my readers. Whether it’s my elopement story, Money Talks, or other times when I’m asking for advice or reader suggestions, I love getting your feedback! There’s no negativity here – and that is one of the things that I love about you all!
Tell me – What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving??
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Beautiful….It’s great that you have created a wonderful life for yourself. Happy Thanksgiving.