Welcome to Inspiration Tuesday #7
Last week, we talked about how perfection will never happen, but instead we need to focus on progress, no matter how small. I mentioned that life is a journey, not a destination, and if you’re too busy focusing on being perfect, you’ll miss all of the amazing things happening around you!
What perfection did you give up last week?
Now, on to this week’s Inspiration!
Why did you start?
Cutting expenses, paying off debt, learning a new skill, building a business from scratch, or even rebuilding a marriage – why did you start in the first place? What motivated you to take that first step? What matters enough to you that you were willing to sacrifice of your time, energy, and even comfort to achieve it?
Was it because you wanted a better life? Because you wanted more control over your situation? Because you knew that there could be more??
What made you start?
In my case, we started cutting expenses, and paying off debt because we wanted a better life for our daughter. She was quite unexpected – although wonderful – but she really jolted us out of our paycheck-to-paycheck, justputitonthecreditcard mentality and into panic mode! We had a vision for our lives that didn’t match where our spending was heading.
And so we changed.
We took that first step towards a complete 180-degree turnaround. And you guys, it was painful! We had to quit eating our and instead get our of our lazy rut and cook at home. We had to meal plan, streamline our wardrobes, and stop buying stuff we didn’t absolutely need to survive.
But nearly a year and a half into our 3 (or maybe 4) year debt payoff journey, keeping up the motivation and the momentum is hard! It’s so easy to get caught up in the small little details, the area in which we can save money, but still have to sacrifice, that we can lose sight of the big picture.
And that results in discontent, fights between my husband and I, and eventually spending more than we should.
So, here is my Inspiration for you: Focus On Why You Started.
Create an inspiration board. Set a reward for yourself – and post it in a public place. Track your progress on the fridge.
Whatever you do – do what it takes to remember where you started!
Where did you start? Why are you doing what you’re doing?
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I am not the type of person to EVER QUIT – even when life gives me lemons (I hate lemons – lol)….. Thankfully I have a good head on my shoulders and a great support system! :)