To all of you out there who struggle with your budget, with a spending problem, with more debt than you can handle, stuck in a job you hate, unable to make ends meet.
No matter your struggle, this is for you.
To all of your who struggle and fight every single day to keep your budget on track. Who either themselves or their family wrestle every single day with their desire to spend money. To you who grew up with a mindset that tells you to “buy, buy, buy!” and you’re working so hard to change it! To those of you who have locked your cards up, stayed far away from your favorite stores, but still somehow manage to fail:
Don’t get frustrated, get stronger. Throw out what didn’t work and come up with new ideas that might. Every day is a new day and you will get this budgeting thing down!
To all of you with more debt than you can handle: I feel your pain. To all of your who wound up with tons of debt because of medical expenses, because of college tuition, because of bad choices, or because of bad circumstances. To all of you whose stress levels hit the roof at the end of every month when you realize it’s groceries or the car payment, and to those of you who can’t sleep at night because you’re debt has you overwhelmed:
Ask for help. Be it from family, friends, or the personal finance community, ask for help! If your debt situation is untenable, explore every option, no matter how far-fetched: make extra money or refinance, but ask for help!
To those of you stuck in a job you hate, staring at your office walls, dreading waking up every day. To all of you who are staying in said job just to make ends meet, until you can find something better. To all of you who are stuck in the job you hate, working you side hustle early in the morning, and then late at night after work, sacrificing precious time with family and friends to make a better life for yourself. For all of you wanting, needing something better:
Something better will happen, but it won’t just come along. You have to make it happen. Put yourself out there and work like crazy. Your life WILL turn around.
For all of you who feel like life will never get better, who are frustrated with your struggle, who don’t see a way out:
Stay the course.
Ask For Help.
Work Harder Than You Ever Have Before and You WILL Come Out Ahead.
Great post Gretchen! I remember some years ago when I got serious about paying off my debt and one of the most critical things to keep me going was knowing that there *was* an end. The process is tough, but if you set yourself up with the right plan things *will* get better in time. Keep your eyes on the future and nothing can stop you!
Thanks for the positive words/post on this Monday morning, Gretchen! Sometimes, that’s all people need to hear to keep persevering! :)
This is a really great post and very inspirational!! I really loved it!
Very inspirational, Gretchen. I graduated with over $25k in student loans AND I worked as many hours as I could every day of my college life. Sometimes it’s just not enough.
I’m happy I invested in my education because it’s given me opportunities I never could’ve had with just a HS diploma. But man, those monthly payments and interest really stink. :/