I think it’s safe to say that most American’s aren’t satisfied with the price of their wireless service.
I know I wasn’t, until I switched to Republic Wireless and started paying $23 a month for 2 smartphones (Moto X’s, if you must know). Republic Wireless is awesome, and has really blown away the competition with their unbeatable prices on cell phone plans, but last week they announced a huge new program that I highly doubt any other cell carrier can keep up with:
They’re refunding you for data you paid for, but didn’t use.
Yes, you read that correctly: Republic Wireless is the first honest cell service company who is not taking your money when they didn’t even provide you a service.
Crazy, right? Here’s how it works:
It’s Called 4G Cell Data on Demand and it still includes all of the things I love about Republic Wireless:
- Cell phones as low as $99
- No contract
- Seamless wifi + cell coverage
- Unlimited cell data
- No extra charges for roaming
- Can use your phone internationally where there is wifi
Data on Demand is simple:
First, choose a monthly plan that fits your needs:
Then, talk and text as much as you want!
Finally, add 4G cell data on demand whenever you need it.
At the end of the month, Republic Wireless will pay you back for however much cell data you didn’t use – in the form of a credit back to your account.
Still confused? Check out this handy flowchart Republic provided:
Now that you realize just innovative Republic Wireless is, here’s what you need to know about them:
Republic Wireless is different from any other mobile phone company I know of. The service they provide, the price point, and the contract-free nature of their plans.
Rather than running on a network of cell towers like traditional cell phone companies do, Republic Wireless realized that if you could build a phone that would seamlessly allow the user to make their call over the internet when it was available, and then “hand” that call over to a cellular network as the user left wifi, you could offload 75% off the cost of making a call.
Of course, anyone with a smartphone knows that there are applications you can use to make a call over the internet. It’s called VOiP, which is something I just learned. However, there were no applications that could make calls over the cell network or the wifi, depending upon which was available. So Republic Wireless set to work designing this groundbreaking software.
They succeeded, or I wouldn’t be writing this article now!
When you make a call with your Republic Wireless phone while you’re in your home, your phone will place the call over wifi. Then say you need to run to the store, but you’re still on the phone. As you leave your home internet, your Republic Wireless phone will hand over the call from internet to Sprint or Verizon’s cell towers. If you want to make a call while you’re away from your home and not in wifi, your phone uses Sprint or Verizon’s cell towers (whichever has better service where you’re at) to place your call.
What Phones Does Republic Wireless Offer?
Since Republic Wireless’ service is contract-free, there are no contract discounts on phones. Still, their phones cost approximately ½ of what the same phone would cost you out-of-pocket with any other major cell carrier. Here are your options:
Moto X (2nd Generation) : $399
Moto X: $299
Moto G: $199
Service Starting at $5.00 a Month:
Republic Wireless offers serveral service tiers, depending upon your needs…..….And you can change your plan 2x a month!
Yes, you read that right, not only can you change your plan twice per month, and in order to do so you don’t need to call anyone, jump through any hoops, or fight with your cell company. You can change your plan right from your phone, from the handy Republic Wireless app that allows you to change your plan, pay your bill, or access help from the community forum. It’s seriously that simple!
We have 3 Republic Wireless phones, actually! We have one that serves as our home phone, on the $5.00 a month wifi only plan. Because this phone never leaves our house, the cheapest plan is perfect – and cheap!
I have the Moto G (as does The Big Guy), and normally I keep my plan at $10 a month, because I have internet when I’m at home, work and at most stores I go to. However, we do go on vacation, or camping occasionally, and since I’m always doing something with this blog, I need access to internet. When that happens, I can quckly change my plan for a few days, pay the prorated charges for just a few days of data usage, and then when we’re back home drop back down to the cheaper plan.
Let’s Do Some Math:
In college, in the midst of our crazy expensive smartphone plan, we were spending $180 a month x 12 months = $2,160 + $150 x 2 (the cost of our phones) = $2,460!
Now we pay $20 a month x 12 months = $240 + $99 x 2 (the cost of our phones) = $348 a year!
That’s a savings of $2,112 in savings every year!
That’s like a vacation, ya’ll ( a really nice one).
Or the 2001 Pasat we just bought!
What is stopping you from making the switch?
* This post may contain affiliate links
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Yet another reason to wish that: 1- They offered more phones (I’m an iPhone girl) and 2- They worked better in rural areas, which is where I live and travel. The cheapest I can get our two phones (one smart, the other not) is $95/month. And that’s with just 300mb of data! One of these years, maybe ones of the cheap phone options, like Republic, will be available to people like me. :)
@Julie – as a fellow rural area inhabitant, I feel your pain when it comes to cell service! We just moved to a new area and are still researching all available options. And dummy-me just re-up-ed our ATT contract for two more years – doh!
Best of luck to ya ;)