On Tuesdays, there is nothing more I want than to sleep in.
After all, Mondays are super-motivating. I get in, get out, and get crazy amounts of stuff done.
So when Tuesdays roll around all I want is to lay in bed a little while longer after my alarm goes off. To stay warm rather than brave the cold. To just take it a little easier.
And that’s exactly why today’s inspiration spoke to me so much.
Everyone is busy.
Everyone gets burnt out.
Everyone struggles to keep up with the phone call, the emails, the reader comments, the mess the kids make.
Sometimes, through, you just have to buckle down and DO.
Have you ever heard of Eating the Frog?
The phrase is actually based on a book called Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracey.
The concept is that you complete your hardest task first thing in the morning because your motivation, clarity, and focus are best before you do anything else. You’ll also complete hard or undesirable tasks better and with less dread first thing in the morning, and you’ll then feel productive all day long!
To apply this to your life, start using it on your most unproductive day. Maybe it’s Friday, maybe it’s Monday, or maybe it’s Tuesdays like me. Whatever day you’re most unproductive, don’t focus on how much you have to do, don’t focus on how tired you are, don’t get frustrated.
Instead focus on Direction.
The night before, make it a priority to write down the top 3 tasks that you need to get done. Put your most dreaded, hardest task at the top of the list.
Leave that short checklist where you will see it when you sit down to work in the morning. No matter what, complete those 3 tasks, and tell yourself that if you get nothing else done, it will be ok, because you got your most important tasks done.
The Truth is That Everyone Struggles
We all feel burnt out from time to time.
We all want to sleep in (maybe more often than not?)
We are all overwhelmed with emails.
And everyone kids make insane messes.
But we Can All Benefit From Focusing on The Direction We Want To Go
Take that with you today, and try not to get bogged down by the small stuff.
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Thanks for your article. This inspired me to focus more on my future and dreams, thanks :)
This is just what I needed to hear today. Thanks girl!
Love this! I’ve been struggling with a very small thing lately but for some reason it’s eating me alive!