There have always been people obsessed with being independent of their job, of their obligations, and of their weekly paycheck. Today, we millennials call this “Financial Freedom” and although the term for this has changedmany times, the meaning is still the same.
While the meaning may be different for each person, financial freedom has a very special meaning for me. I love my job, the people I work with, and the clients I deal with, but even knowing that, I do not like being dependent upon my employer for a paycheck. Even when I reach Financial Independence, I will probably continue to keep working. The difference is that when I reach Financial Independence I have options.
Being dependent upon my employer for a paycheck means that if a situation were to arise where I disagreed with my company’s stance on an issue, a decision being made in my department, or a new policy or procedure, I do not have the option to walk away from the situation. Without my financial freedom, walking away from my job would, with the very best preparation, be difficult and stressful.
To this end, Financial Freedom to me means creating a pot of money large enough to sustain myself and my family for a significant period of time. I call it my F&%^ You money…..
….inappropriate. I know.
Oh, and I stole the name from another blogger, I just can’t remember who :-( That pot of money signifies financial freedom to me, because it allows me to walk away from whatever I am doing, at any point in time, without worry about how I will pay my bills. Financial Freedom allows me to live my life in the manner that I choose.
The goal is to achieve financial freedom by the time I and The Big Guy are 40! I know that seems like a crazy goal, but believe me, it is doable. In the next day or so, I will break down exactly what needs to happen for us to be Retired by 40!
Have you thought about Financial Freedom? Is it a goal of yours? Does it seem distant or unattainable?
I have thought about financial freedom and I actually put in my letter of resignation at work yesterday! Feels amazing!
I’m making money online through affiliate marketing and love it! My husband and I are going to travel the world while making a passive income that replaces our previous income earning.
Financial freedom is possible and so much easier than people think.
If you want to know how we are making money online, feel free to connect with me through email or on Facebook.
Congratulations! That is amazing! I can only imagine how you feel right now, and I wish you luck!
Financial freedom is life! Good Luck to you!
I would love to achieve financial freedom by the time I’m 40 as well!
I’m interested to hear your thoughts on how to achieve financial freedom. I’ve been using the “annual expenses times 25” metric as my own guide.