One of the first things we did when we started this whole personal finance journey was ditch our cable TV in favor of Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Netflix.We got to enjoy all of our favorite shows on our own schedule and for far less money than our cable package cost us.We also started ramping up … [Read more...]
The Most Common Tax Deductions for Landlords
We recently became landlords at the age of 26, and were thrilled to see a plan that was 3 years in the making come to fruition. Obviously, we did this because of some seriously awesome monetary benefits, but besides those our taxes are going to benefit from owning rental property as … [Read more...]
How I Made $3,328.10 Blogging in December 2016
Happy New Year, everyone!There's something so invigorating about the fresh start a new year provides, isn't' there? It's like a new month, only way better.This is my December Online Income Report, and it's monumental in more than one way: this marks my 25th income report, and my 500th … [Read more...]
November 2016 Online Income Report
With Pinterest algorithms constantly changing, fighting the good fight with Facebook, and all of the other social media channels, I've been excited to delve deeper into the world of affiliates, niching down, and really working my email list. And that means it's time for another income report! … [Read more...]
So you failed at a no-spend month. Here’s what to do next.
Almost a year ago, Matt & I tried to do a #nospendNovember. It sounded like a good idea, cutting back before the holidays, banking some cash for presents, and simplifying right before a very busy season. And we stuck with it....for 11 days.11 horrible, stressful, measly days. … [Read more...]
10 Things We Learned Becoming Landlords at 25
We finally did it!After 3+ years of working towards rehabbing a house, purchasing a new house, and signing a lease with tenants, we are officially landlords! … [Read more...]
Why I Let My Kids Be Bored
When I was growing up, there was one thing that I was absolutely terrified of saying to my mom. Know what it was?"I'm bored"I don't remember her teaching us not to say I'm bored, doling out consequences for saying I was bored, or even showing us how to entertain ourselves when we were … [Read more...]
How We Became Landlords at 25
In November, some 3 (!) years in the making finally happened: we became landlords! And fair warning, we've been working towards this for so long that I'm probably going to use a lot of exclamation marks, which I typically try to stay away from. … [Read more...]
5 Cheap Ways to Practice Self-Care
If you’re like many working adults, you are busy from sunup to sundown, and beyond. Self-care is one of the last things on your mind.Here are five inexpensive and quick ways to give yourself some of the self-care you deserve. … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start A Blog
When it comes to making money online, one of the first things many people think about is blogging. After all, blogs are filled with success stories: "How I Made XXXX Blogging This Money" and so on. For many people blogging is a great solution, since much of the income is passive.Plus, it costs … [Read more...]