Credit Card Churning….. Horrible and wonderful at the same time What is Credit Card Churning? In short, it's opening credit cards in order to utilize the fatty airline mile, cash back, or other account bonuses, and then closing the accounts once you've used the rewards and the annual fee … [Read more...]
Make the Holidays Easy with eMeals + a Recipe!
Join eMeals During November and December and Get a Holiday Plan for Free eMeals has a Traditional Holiday Menu Plan, a Paleo Holiday Meal Plan and a Clean Eating Holiday Meal Plan available for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They are even complete with a pre-made grocery list! … [Read more...]
9 Ways I Keep Food Costs Low – Under $300 a Month!
According to the USDA, American families of 4 spend $800-$1200 a month on food. You know what I spend? $400 And that’s not just on food. That $400 budget includes food, cleaning supplies, paper supplies, personal care, and basically everything you would buy at Walmart. … [Read more...]
Traffic & Blog Income Report – November 2014
During my 1st Year Blogiversary post, I asked you all if you would be interested in my doing both a Pinterest post (since 60% or more of my traffic comes from Pinterest) as well as an income report now that I am actually making some money! Your response was overwhelmingly "Yes!" so I'm going to … [Read more...]
Are You Thinking About the New Year Yet?
Believe me, I know how enticing New Year's Resolutions can be. I've done them over and over again - and the only thing that stays consistent is that I fail at them. But after years of failing at New Year's resolutions, I've learned the secret: Small Goals That's why I started 31 Days of Finances … [Read more...]
I Made $400 This Week Without Doing Anything! (The Chase Freedom $200 Bonus is Back!)
Want to earn a quick $200 (or even $400) without doing anything? Anything out of the ordinary, that is! That’s right - the $200 bonus from Chase Freedom is back! Simply by putting normal things like food, gas, and even bills on this credit card (and paying it off within the month, of course) you … [Read more...]
Money Talk – How Should You Celebrate Debt Payoff?
Goals aren’t worth achieving if the journey is not a struggle. <--Tweet this! Over the past 17 months, we’ve struggled every single day to put Just. One. More. Dollar. towards our personal loan. While the struggle has been very real, so has the payoff as I look back at the numbers: in just the … [Read more...]
The Smartest Way to Schedule Pins on Pinterest – only $10 a Month! A Tailwind Review
Being on Social media constantly is exhausting. Like, down-to-the-bone, sick and tired of being on Pinterest tiring. But 60% of my traffic comes from Pinterest, so it's not like I could just give up and go home :-( If you've been reading my Traffic & Income Reports, you know that I've been … [Read more...]
16 Mixes To Save You 40%-60% on Spice Mixes
I got myself in a pinch the other day. I was making a salad, anticipating that I had bottled Italian dressing in the refrigerator, but when I went to get it….we were out!Rather than panicking about the salad and the company we were having for dinner, and before yelling for the Big Guy to run to … [Read more...]
I live 2.5 Miles Away From #Ferguson & I’m and Accountant. Here’s What Ferguson Means for STL in the Years to Come
I'm not going to talk about Michael Brown's guilt or innocence. I'm not even going to talk about Darren Wilson's guilt or innocence. It's all been debated, hashed out, and then debated again. And quite frankly, this is not the forum for that type of discussion. What I am going to talk about are … [Read more...]